"Orange is the happiest color"...Frank Sinatra
"October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came-
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band."
- George Cooper, October's Party
"The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.
The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on."
- Emily Dickinson
Lighting is responsible for one-fourth of all energy consumption worldwide - mostly non-beneficial night time lighting.The United States is the largest energy consumer in terms of total use and the per-captia consumption in the US has been pretty much consistent since the 70's. It is also referred to as light clutter, light trespass, over illumination, and light pollution. Yikes.